09 June, 2009

Toorale Water is Different

At Senate Estimates on Thursday night, Penny Wong's officials said that the water saved at Toorale from the February flow comprised 5,900 megs from the Darling and 1,300 megs from the Warrego-a total of 7,200 megs.

Bill Heffernan asked them where they gauged it and for the Warrego River was told at Ford's Bridge. With the Warrego not much more than a shallow gutter, there are always huge stream losses between Ford's Bridge and the Darling junction.

Data shows that, due to water losses in the river system and the Menindee Lakes storages, for every megalitre of water that flows past Bourke only 0.3ML can be expected to appear as regulated flow in the Lower Darling or to contribute to flow in the Murray.

Apparently Toorale water is different as the whole 7,200 megs has been allocated to the various Murray environmental iconic sites!

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