26 October, 2010


Letter sent to The Australian 24th October,2010
Your lead story-After the dry,here comes the overflow,Weekend Australian 23rd October-accurately reflects the joy of again having good flows into the Macquarie Marshes. Unfortunately the joy is spoilt by politically correct references to "government water buybacks" and an emphasis on conflict between irrigators and "marsh graziers". The reality is that over the last ten years both irrigators and graziers have both suffered as an all powerful Nature has failed to provide water for either. Now that same Nature has provided generously for both. Why are we humans so reluctant to attribute the extremes of our rainfall to factors beyond our control?
David Boyd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you entirely David. It is sad that since the introduction of the Water Sharing Plan for the valley was introduced in 2004 (signed off by all stakeholders) there has been no water to share! Hopefully now we may see the benefits of this plan. Disappointing also that the grazier interviewed chose to once again create division between members of the community.